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Internal Medicine katy

Date: 10.22.2024

Written By: WHME Admin

Allergies develop whenever the immune system overreacts to a poisonous invader or foodstuff that normally causes no response in most individuals, such as pollen, bee venom, or animal dander. Allergies can produce a runny or stuffy nose, coughing, irritation, rashes, puffiness, or asthma, among other signs. Allergies vary from mild to severe. The body detects the material as alien in allergy sufferers, and the allergic portion of the immune system responds.

What sorts of allergies are there, and how are they treated?

Allergic responses generally occur quickly after being exposed to an allergen. Allergens attach to antibodies produced by the body termed immunoglobin E during an allergic reaction (IgE). Antibodies protect the body against unwanted and possibly dangerous chemicals.

  • Pollen. Seasonal allergies and asthma symptoms are frequently caused by pollen from grasslands, bushes, and plants. Hay fever, also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis, is an allergic response to pollen. It inflames and swells the lining of the nostrils as well as the protecting membrane around the eyelids. Pollen avoidance can help to alleviate symptoms. When pollen levels are high, remain inside, cover the windows, and turn on the air conditioner. Inquire with the doctor about immunotherapy for pollen allergies
  • Dander from animals. Proteins released by sweat glands in an animal’s skin and shed in dander, as well as proteins in an animal’s saliva, might induce allergic responses. Distraction tactics aren’t as effective as just eliminating the pet from the house. Medicines to manage the nasal/eye and respiratory discomfort may be used as part of the treatment. If the difficulties aren’t under control with prevention and medicine, immunotherapy may be considered.
  • Latex. By frequent interactions with latex, several individuals obtain a latex allergy. Rubber gloves, like those used in operations or for cleaning equipment, are a common cause of the allergic response. If people possess a latex allergy, then they may have skin irritation, blisters, eye weeping and discomfort, wheezing, and skin stinging. The removal of the problematic latex material is the first step in treating latex allergies. If individuals have a latex allergy, they should carry an emergency epinephrine box with them in regular situations.
  • Some foods. Whenever the human body creates a particular antibody to a certain food, individuals get food intolerance. An allergic response could happen as soon as moments after consuming the meal, and the consequences might be extreme. These include milk, egg, soy, wheat, shellfish, peanuts, and tree nut in youngsters. Shellfish, nuts, and tree nuts are the most prevalent food allergies among adults. It’s critical to stay away from foods that trigger allergic reactions.

Tests conducted to find Allergies

Here are some allergy test examples:

  • Patch test: A doctor may attach a metal disc containing a little quantity of a suspected allergen to the person’s back to screen for touch eczema. After 48 hours, they’ll test for a skin response, and then again after two days.
  • Simple blood test: These check the immune system’s concentrations of IgE antibodies to certain allergens.
  • Prick tests on the skin: A physician will pierce the skin with a little quantity of an allergy. A person may have an allergy if their skin responds by becoming itchy, reddish, or swollen.


The therapy for an allergy is determined by the substance to which people are allergic. In so many circumstances, a Physician will be able to provide treatment and guidance. Mild allergy medications are accessible without the need for a prescription from the drugstore. However, before starting any new drug, always seek guidance from a doctor or a doctor, since they’re not suited for all of us. In the region of Huston Call (832)-321-4962 to schedule an appointment with West Huston Internal Medicine for good quality treatment.

  • Preventing allergens: The physician will assist us in identifying and avoiding specific allergy causes. That’s the most crucial step in preventing allergic responses and alleviating suffering.
  • Antihistamines: Antihistamines are the most common allergy medications. Depending on whatever region of the skin is impacted by the allergy, antihistamines can be consumed as pills, capsules, lotions, fluids, eye drops, or inhalers.
  • Creams and lotions: Over-the-counter creams and lotions, such as hydrating creams to keep the skin moist and shield it from allergens, calamine ointment to relieve irritation, and steroids to reduce inflammation, may occasionally be used to cure reddish and irritated skin produced by an allergic response.
  • Immunotherapy: The physician may prescribe allergen immunotherapy if patients have significant allergies or if current treatments aren’t working. This therapy entails a sequence of pure allergen extracted injections over a period of many years.


Allergies can lead to the development or exacerbation of other illnesses.

Anaphylaxis: Individuals are more likely to develop such a significant illness response if they have chronic allergies. The most prevalent causes of anaphylaxis include meals, drugs, and insect bites.

Asthma: Allergies are a leading cause of asthma, which affects around 8% of the population. Asthma is an inflammatory response of the immune system that affects the airways and respiration. Males in their pre-teen ages and girls in their teenage years are the most commonly affected.

Sinusitis and infections: If patients have seasonal allergies or asthma, the chances of acquiring sinus and infections of the ear or respiratory system are increased.

Coughing: In some persons with cough-variant asthma, chronic cough could be the only sign. The cough is typically harsh and racking, and it is exacerbated by allergy reactions and exertion.


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