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Migraine Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Houston

Primary care physician

Date: 10.22.2024

Written By: WHME Admin

A migraine is a headache that generally affects one side of the head and generates extreme throbbing pain or a pulsating feeling. It is a prevalent health problem that affects one out of every five women and one out of every fifteen males. They generally start while a person is in their early twenties. It’s commonly followed by nausea, vomiting, and excessive lighting and noise sensitivity. Migraine is thought to have a hereditary basis, according to experts. A migraine can also be triggered by a variety of circumstances. Migraines are divided into several stages. It’s possible that individuals won’t go through each step every time they get a migraine.

What are the different kinds of migraines?

A migraine isn’t just an extremely terrible headache, as some people assume; it’s a neurological condition with a slew of indications, including particularly awful migraines. Migraines affect almost 38 million people in the United States. There are numerous different forms of migraines, and many of them have similar symptoms.

  • Migraine Without Aura. The most prevalent kind of migraine is migraine without aura. A migraine’s ‘aura’ is a cautionary indication. This is most usually a symptom that impairs the vision, including seeing lights flashing or dark areas. To be detected with migraine without aura, a person must experience at least five episodes annually, as per the International Classification of Headache Disorders.
  • Migraine with Aura. Migraine with an aura which is also known as classic migraine is a recurrent headache that occurs afterward or simultaneously with sensory abnormalities known as aura. Blood arteries tighten when it passes over the brain, reducing oxygen supply. Cortical depression, according to researchers, may be the source of the visual auras that some migraine sufferers experience.
  • Abdominal Migraine. Recurrent episodes of mild to severe stomach pain that last between 1 and 72 hours are the most classic condition of abdominal migraine. Abdominal discomfort, nausea, and puking are classic symptoms. This is a sort of migraine that doesn’t generally cause a headache. This is a kind of migraine that mostly affects youngsters, although it can also affect adults. Abdominal migraine in adults is a type of migraine that primarily affects children but can also occur in adults. It is characterized by recurrent episodes of moderate to severe abdominal pain, usually in the midline area, and is often accompanied by other migraine-related symptoms.

In short, symptoms of abdominal migraine in adults include moderate to severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, pallor, fatigue, sensitivity to light or sound, and sometimes headaches. Treatment for abdominal migraines typically involves managing symptoms and preventing future episodes. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific situation.

  • Chronic Migraine. For more than three months, chronic migraine is defined as having at least 15 headache days per month, with at least 8 days of headaches with migraine symptoms. They usually go away later in life, although they can happen at any time. but Living a regular life might be difficult because to the intense and frequent episodes.
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What are the signs and symptoms of a migraine headache?

The most common symptom of a migraine is a severe headache on one side of the brain. The pain is generally moderate to the severe throbbing sensation that worsens with movement and hinders people from performing routine tasks. Migraines are divided into four stages. It’s possible that individuals won’t go through each step every time they get a migraine.

  • Prodrome. The initial stage might last anywhere from just a few hours to many days. It’s possible that people won’t notice it because it doesn’t appear every day. Hunger pangs, inexplicable mood swings, uncontrolled yawning, water retention, and frequent urination are among early indications and symptoms.
  • Aura. The aura phase can last somewhere from five to sixty minutes. People may see dazzling or intense lighting, as well as weave lines if individuals are experiencing this phase. Muscle weakening can occur, as well as the sensation of being touched or gripped. A migraine aura might occur shortly prior to the actual headache.
  • Headache. A migraine normally begins slowly and progresses to a more severe form. The headache might persist anywhere from four to 72 hours. Drilling, pounding, or the feeling of an ice pick in the skull, generally on one side of the head, are common descriptions.
  • Postdrome. The postdrome stage lasts one or two days. It’s known as a migraine “hangover,” and it affects 80 percent of migraine sufferers.

Migraines are treated in a variety of ways.

A migraine might occur once a year, once a week, or any time in between. The most typical migraine headache frequency is two to four per month. First, speak to a doctor practitioner about the concerns. They are capable of diagnosing migraine headaches and initiating therapy. It’s possible that it’ll be needed to see a headache expert.

Symptoms can be relieved with a variety of medications. Triptans, ergotamine medicines, and pain medications are among them. The earlier we start taking the drug, the better. People can avoid migraines by making simple lifestyle modifications. Workout, mindfulness training, and biofeedback are all stress control methodologies that may help to lessen the frequency and intensity of migraines.


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