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Internal Medicine Physician

Date: 10.22.2024

Written By: WHME Admin

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes widespread pain, difficulty sleeping, exhaustion, and mental and emotional discomfort. Fibromyalgia is thought to amplify painful feelings by altering how the brain and spinal cord interpret painful and nonpainful information. Fibromyalgia patients may be more sensitive to pain than non-fibromyalgia patients. Abnormal pain perception processing is the term for this. Symptoms usually appear after a traumatic event, such as surgery, illness, or considerable psychological stress. There is no one initiating event, therefore symptoms build up over time. Fibromyalgia affects around 4 million individuals in the United States, or roughly 2% of the adult population.

What are fibromyalgia’s indications and symptoms?

Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread muscle spasms, as well as exhaustion and sleep disruption. People are affected in different ways by the condition. They may also encounter:

  • Fatigue: Even if people sleep for lengthy periods of time, fibromyalgia patients typically start waking up weary. Sleep is frequently interrupted by discomfort, and so many fibromyalgia patients also suffer from other sleep problems such as restlessness in legs syndrome and sleep apnea.
  • Rigidity in muscle: Fibromyalgia can cause stiffness. When individuals are in the very same posture for a while, the rigidity might be very acute. Their back, shoulders, and thighs muscles and joints are rigid. This isn’t just normal creakiness. It’s more like the stiffness that rheumatoid arthritis patients experience.
  • Headaches: If individuals have fibromyalgia, they may have regular headaches as well as pain and stiffness around the shoulders and neck. These can range in severity from moderate headaches to chronic migraines, and they may also include additional side effects such as nausea.
  • Pain: Fibromyalgia pain is frequently described as a persistent dull aching that has persisted for at least 3 months. The discomfort must be felt on both parts of the body, as well as behind and in front of the waist, to be termed widespread.
  • IBS: Stomach discomfort, bloating, gas, and nausea affect more than two-thirds of persons with fibromyalgia on a regular basis. Constipation or diarrhea may occur on a regular basis. According to the findings, 70% of fibromyalgia patients also had IBS, and 65% of IBS patients also had fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is caused by a variety of factors

Fibromyalgia’s specific etiology is unknown, but it’s suspected to be linked to abnormal amounts of certain chemicals in the brain and alterations in how the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves) interprets pain impulses sent throughout the body. It’s also been proposed that certain people are predisposed to fibromyalgia due to genes passed down from their parents.
The illness appears to be precipitated in many cases by a physically or emotionally stressful experience, such as:

  • An illness or an accident
  • Going to give birth and undergo surgery
  • The dissolution of a relation
  • The loss of a close friend or family member

Who is impacted?

Fibromyalgia can affect everyone, yet it affects 7 times quite so many women as it does males. Although studies have revealed that fibromyalgia is a somewhat prevalent disorder, it is unclear how many people are affected.
The illness usually strikes adults between the ages of 30 and 50, although it can strike anybody at any age, especially youngsters and the aged.
Fibromyalgia is a tough ailment to diagnose, which is one of the primary reasons it’s unclear how many individuals are affected. Fibromyalgia affects about one in every twenty persons, according to some estimates.
Medicines and dietary adjustments can help most people with fibromyalgia symptoms. When people take actions to lessen anxiety, these symptoms may go away. Symptoms may reappear during times of stress. A tiny percentage of persons suffering from acute pain or weariness prevents them from working.

Fibromyalgia is identified in a variety of ways

Fibromyalgia can’t be diagnosed with certainty because there’s not a test for it. Fibromyalgia is diagnosed clinically based on your sensations and a physical examination. To rule out some other reasons for weariness, such as anemia or thyroid illness, simple blood tests are indicated. The diagnosis is based on the symptoms as well as the genetic and medical history.
Fibromyalgia patients are often hypersensitive to the discomfort that would not affect most individuals. A healthcare professional may count the number of trigger points, or delicate places, on the body. Call for an appointment at (832)-321-4962 to get better treatment at West Huston Internal Medicine.


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